Friday, March 09, 2007

Remove Penis, Insert Foot

Rod Majors, er, Matt Sanchez responds via Salon. give the Repub credit for one thing, they are the brass balls party.

I have known gay people like this .... OK, I knew one Gay person like this. And the desire to be part of 'the elite' was more powerful than any amount of information documenting the Party's definition of itself as the people against gay people (forget about issues of competency or profligacy).

Stockholm Syndrome baby, Stockholm Syndrome.

Anyway, Here's MattRod

Was I totally clueless? ... There are others of us, however, like me, who have the kinds of résumés that can keep everybody around the office water cooler smirking for days.

Up until last weekend, Salon and the rest of the left-wing media had largely ignored me. Given the left's constant talk about equality, discrimination, minority rights and systemic oppression, I thought the fact that I was a Hispanic, a Marine, a nontraditional, 36-year-old Ivy League student and a 100 percent flag-waving red-blooded Reagan Republican would make my point of view interesting, but so be it. Everything is political now, and even the double standards have talking points.

[whines like a baby - GT12]

... I never imagined that I could become a "public figure" without facing scrutiny. And I sought attention. I'm the first to admit that I want to be heard, read and taken seriously. But some issues are complex, and some really are simple. People complain of a lack of depth in public discourse and the way complicated debates get compressed into meaningless sound bites. Well, porn is just ... porn. Self-explanatory and without depth. The pictures do the talking, and however many pictures there may be in video stores or warehouses or online, they still don't have anything interesting to say. I am concerned, though, that they may make some people feel inadequate. As a conservative, I like to insist on equal opportunity, even if some do start off with more than others.


How does a conservative trace his roots to such distasteful beginnings? I didn't like porn's liberalism. In porn, everything taboo is trivialized and everything trivial is magnified.


By the way, as a political minority on the Columbia campus, people are always asking me, "How can you be a conservative? They're so hateful." That wasn't the feeling I got when I accepted my award. And it's not what I've been hearing from the conservative community since my "outing."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"In porn, everything taboo is trivialized and everything trivial is magnified."

*AHEM* interesting comment from a porn star...