Monday, March 12, 2007

A Friend Of Saul A.

Barry O'Bama's rise is explored in the new new New Republic.

We learn that he's a follower of Saul Alinsky. You can not get better leadership training than that.

Can Mrs Bill Clinton say this?:
"I wouldn't be a U.S. senator or out of Chicago or a presidential candidate from Illinois if I didn't have some sense of the world as it actually works. When I arrived in Chicago at the age of twenty-four, I didn't know a single person in Chicago, and I know an awful lot of folks now. And so, obviously, some of that has to do with me being pretty clear-eyed about power,"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hillary also has a pretty clear Alinsky connection: her Senior Thesis at Wellesly was on him. She met him and interviewed him for the paper. Alinsky apparently was impressed enough with Ms. Rodham to offer her a job. Check out this story from MSNBC: .