Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Next Stop New York

As promised earlier, GT12 is heading to NYC today, May 4. We will be attempting to post via e-mail so that this can become a real 'Hey! Look at my life' kinda blog. (Unfortunately, you may see a lot of blurbs for yahoo)

To Kick Things off, a few pictures of The Top of The Tower, my fave place in NYC. See those windows way at the top? That's the place.


Publisher said...

hey jeff - thanks for your blog and for taking it live on your nyc adventure. tell me something about WALKING in nyc. how's it diff from hoofin' it in chi-town?

Publisher said...

p.s. - love the top of the tower photos...vaguely reminiscent of the cliffdwellers in chgo... also, (saved the most important for last) will we be on the lookout for you in colbert's audience over the next few nights? again, enjoy!