Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Damping Dobson, Routing Robertson, Spanking Santorum...With God

From The NY Times Today

Clergy Group Aims to Block Gay Marriage Amendment

The heart of the matter is at the end:

The clergy members at the news conference on Monday said that although the groups opposing the amendment were not of one mind on homosexuality or same-sex marriage, passage of the amendment would give deference to a single point of view and would make the Constitution an instrument of discrimination against a class of citizens.

"When one group is singled out for discrimination, it's not long before other groups will be singled out, too," said Rabbi Craig Axler of Congregation Beth Or in Maple Glen, Pa. "It's the first time we see the Constitution in danger of enshrining discrimination against one party, one class, and to remain silent as a Jew is unconscionable."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!