Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oh Utah

It has been a weird week...

Utah state Sen. Chris Buttars (R) generated some attention for himself this week with a breathtaking anti-gay tirade in which he called gay people "the greatest threat to America going down I know of." He went on to compare homosexuality to alcoholism, and described gay people as "the meanest buggers I ever seen. It's just like the Moslems." Buttars concluded, "It's the beginning of the end.... Sodom and Gomorrah was localized. This is worldwide."

In an unexpected move, state officials in Utah actually chose to do something about this.

Utah Senate leaders stripped Sen. Chris Buttars of his position on the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday in response to outrage and embarrassment from Buttars' anti-gay tirade to a documentary filmmaker.

A Republican elected official in Utah was punished -- by other Republicans -- for anti-gay vitriol.

Yes We Can

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