Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Theocracy Alert

One of Andrew Sullivans fellow conservatives writes -

I went to the Family Research Council/Focus on the
Family/American Family Association Values Voters
summit this weekend at the Omni.
It is much, much worse than we know.
The first woman I spoke to (from Erie, PA) railed on
about how Chuck Hagel is a flaming liberal and John
McCain should be tried for treason. I thought that
maybe Id run into an isolated crazy. Oh no - it only
got worse from there. The level of contempt for anyone
who diverges from the Holy Word of W is beyond
description. I was sort of undercover so I could just
let people talk to me, not leading the conversation,
not baiting, and it horrified me to hear how many were
perfectly comfortable with any form of torture in the
name of patriotism if the Commander In Chief gave it
the ok.
Meanwhile, in the plenary I got to hear from George
Allen on how hes been done wrong by the media and
watched a ballroom of about 1,700 people seem to feel
permission to let their hate for The Gays run wild
every time a black minister hit the stage. (I have my
own copy of the very popular brochure, The Rape of the
Civil Rights Movement: How Sodomites Are Using Civil
Rights Rhetoric To Advance Their Preference For Sexual
There is no room for disagreement, because it is
tantamount to evil. Dissent is the same as blasphemy,
and everything is approached in orthodox terms.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

It is no surprise that people's religious beliefs inform their political beliefs. It does concern me, though, that people are so dogmatic about their politics. Faith is a reasonable source for political criticism, but it concerns me when people become so tied to one political figure that their faith no longer informs their political beliefs that are supposed to be based on it.