Friday, September 29, 2006

Because We're Fair And Balanced

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile.

Senator Hilary today on what's at stake:

"On every issue, there are big differences" between Democrats and Republicans, "but the biggest difference is the disregard for our constitutional democracy, the disdain for checks and balances, the denial of accountability that marks this president and vice president, and that's really our entire system being put at risk."

"There are a lot of people, not just Democrats, who know we have to change direction in our country, I have so many Republicans coming to my events" who "say things like 'I didn't sign up for all this,' and the 'this' would be a long list depending upon their particular concerns."They're coming, because frankly, they're patriots, and they don't want this administration to continue leading us down into a blind hole like they are, undermining our future, failing to invest to make us safer and stronger and richer and smarter, more competitive, fairer for the future."

The rest is here.

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