Thursday, September 07, 2006

Let's See Action

George Mitchell is a great man (think Ireland Peace Process, think Democratic senate leader). He is also chairman of the board for The Mouse. And The mouse wants to run a wildly inaccurate 9/11 special. I'm violently anti-censorship but I am even more violently anti-stupidity and it's time to stop foolishness. Read about the show here, here, here, and here,

Then follow these instructions from AmericaBlog:

Action Alert: Ask Disney Chairman George Mitchell to pull the partisan 9/11 show

From ThinkProgress:
Over 50,000 ThinkProgress readers have written ABC in the last 48 hours about “The Path to 9/11.” We’re going to keep the pressure on ABC, but we’re also broadening our focus today to the Walt Disney Company, which owns ABC.Disney’s Chairman of the Board is former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (D-ME). Senator Mitchell has a long and distinguished career both inside and outside government and he knows how important it is to accurately represent historical events.We need to remind him that 9/11 was a national tragedy, and that politicizing and flagrantly misrepresenting the facts about 9/11 is wrong.

Senator George J. Mitchell
T: (212) 335-4600
T: (212) 335-4500
F: (212) 335-4605 (Remember to be polite, and please copy so they can keep track your comments.)

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