Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Danger of Going To Twelve

One of my favorite arguments in Keith Olberman's GT-12 status (below) is causing a little controversy:

Crossing the Line on a Cable Show?
By Deborah HowellSunday, February 19, 2006; B06

Dana Milbank can be controversial with readers. The Post reporter has his fans -- and I can be one of them -- but I think his appearance on MSNBC last week was a mistake in judgment.

Milbank wore hunting gear -- an orange stocking cap and striped vest and gloves -- on Keith Olbermann's show Monday night and made several meant-to-be-humorous remarks about Vice President Cheney's hunting accident. Here's an example from the transcript:

Olbermann: And will there be more hunting trips? I mean, would you actually go hunting with the vice president at this point, even dressed the way you are?

Milbank: I understand that Pat Fitzgerald has been offered an invitation to the next one....

Read The Whole Thing Here.

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