Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Worth It?

National Journal Offers A Discussion Forum:
Is Israel A Strategic Liability For The United States?
As Israel escalates its efforts to root Hamas and its rocket launchers out of Gaza, the global reaction is increasingly negative -- except in the United States. Washington provides Israel with diplomatic backing, U.N. Security Council vetoes of "anti-Zionist" resolutions, and of course $3 billion a year in military aid. But what does Israel provide in return? Yes, Israel and America cooperate on counterterrorism, but how many of the groups on which Israel provides intelligence would be gunning for the United States if it wasn't supporting Israel? Setting aside for a moment the emotional and religious anchors of the U.S.-Israel alliance, what is its value to the United States in practical, realpolitik terms?

9 Big Shots have responded so far. I ask you to read them.

GT12 has long (like way before it's birth) thought that we should be at least asking these questions.

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