Tuesday, January 27, 2009


GT12 is not in the habit of showing the writings of evangelicals in a positive light.

But we do believe that the civility and respect that our new Pres campaigned for, promised and seems to be trying to model should be acknowledged where-ever it appears.

John Haggee (yes, that one) in the WaPo today:

The Bible commands that "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established," (Romans 13:1). So while I endorsed his opponent in the recent presidential election, I fully support Barack Obama as my new President.

I do not offer my good wishes out of religious conviction or civic spirit alone. Throughout the campaign, President Obama conducted himself with civility and grace. All campaigns are filled with scurrilous attacks, and some of President Obama's supporters engaged in such attacks - including many aimed against me personally. Yet not once did I doubt Mr. Obama's wish for a higher standard for political discourse.

I am astonished by those who wonder if evangelical Christians, a majority of whom did not vote for Mr. Obama, want to see our 44th President succeed. Of course we do. We are in the midst of an historic economic crisis and still fighting two foreign wars. We want President Obama to lead this country towards greater peace and prosperity. We not only embrace our new President, we pray fervently for his success.

.... On social issues, we have many obvious areas of disagreement, including the President's recent decision to lift the ban on federal funding for international organizations promoting or performing abortion. In the coming years, President Obama will no doubt pursue policies with which we disagree, and we will make our dissent known. I'm sure the president would expect nothing less. But we must always dissent with civility and respect - the same civility and respect that he has thus far shown to us. If we feel compelled to oppose our new president's policies, we must always be a loyal opposition.

The Bible tells Christians that they are to pray "for all who are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life," (I Timothy 2:1-2).

President Obama, Godspeed and may God's blessings be upon you, your family, and this nation. May the Lord grant you success in your mission to help America and the world lead a quiet and peaceable life.

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