Saturday, January 17, 2009

Proudly Hurting American People

I have told you many times that Ken Blackwell is a Ratfuck of Bushian Proportions - a selfish narcissistic criminal christianist pile of something that a pile of dogshit would refuse to stand next to.

Do you still doubt me?

Blackwell: GOP Must Defeat Job-Creating Stimulus Because It Will Ruin GOP’s Election Chances

n an article published on Townhall today, RNC Chairman candidate and former Ohio [Secretary of State] Ken Blackwell urges congressional conservatives to oppose the reinvestment and recovery stimulus plan promoted by President-elect Obama. Though he offers standard conservative arguments against the plan — including a screed against the growth of “big government” — Blackwell seemed most concerned about the political benefit Democrats might see from successfully boosting the economy.

He warned that the bill, which calls for 80 percent job creation in the private sector, could create 600,000 new federal jobs — a problem because it would make it that much harder for for Republicans to win back Virginia ...

... The bottom line is that, in an economy that lost 1.2 million jobs last year, Blackwell’s biggest concern is to block the creation of new jobs because those newly-employed Americans might vote Democratic.


Tip your hat to my home state. They drove this felon and his party from every state constitutional office and will replace kindly George Voinivich (a Republican of a different era) with some nice Democrat in 2010.

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