Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Always Too Big For Chicago

Long Secret Obama Video To See Light Of Day!


In August, 2001, President-elect Barack Obama did a turn as amateur restaurant critic for a local Chicago television show called "Check, Please!". The premise of the show was that each week three amateur reviewers were invited to pick their favorite restaurant and review it, then they would review the picks of the other two critics.

After taping an episode with a local firefighter and a retail buyer, Obama's segment was shelved...until now. The vintage clip will be aired on January 16th.

According to the Chicago Tribune:
Why the almost-eight-year delay? Both [executive producer David] Manilow and then-host Amanda Puck remember Obama's debut as a restaurant critic came at a time when the show was still being tweaked. And the president-elect was too good--too thoughtful, too articulate, not enough of an amateur. He ended up dominating the conversation.

"It was unbalanced," Manilow said, "to put it charitably."

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