Friday, September 26, 2008

Why We Have To Elect Barack

Because this is what 8-10 years of craving the presidency does to a guy.

GT12 has always held that Gollum/Smeagol is the model for understanding Gramps.

Whatever honor, courage and sobriety he might once have held (GT12 personally can't see anything except irrational narcissism in his history but whatever...) was long ago leached out of him.

Now he's just this guy (via wiki):
During his centuries under the Ring's influence, he developed a sort of split personality: "Sméagol" still vaguely remembered things like friendship and love, while "Gollum" was a slave to the ring and would kill anyone who tried to take it. In The Two Towers, Samwise Gamgee named the good personality "Slinker" (for his fawning, eager-to-please demeanor), and the bad personality "Stinker" (for obvious reasons). The two personalities often quarreled when Gollum talked to himself (as Tolkien puts it in The Hobbit, "through never having anyone else to speak to") and had a love/hate relationship, mirroring Gollum's feelings for the Ring and for himself.

And ultimately, if we don't get Barry this year, he'll probably look about the same.

And let's not even think of what will happen to Hillary.

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