Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sarah Sags

Reading the comments on 538 today - BTW, Obama has statiscally greater chance of winning in aLandslide than McCain has of winning at all - I saw this report from Evangelical land

... A few of you might remember me as the guy who was talking about Sun lunch conversation after services at my Baptist Church. Everyone who has been badmouthing Obama was actually shocked how presidential he seemed. It seems the McCain camp really set up an untenable CW in its base, if they actually watch these things.

Not more than 10% of my friends today say that they really are excited about Palin anymore. (ALL of this group loved her when she was announced). Conversation got really quiet and embarrassed when we started talking about her. My favorite quote was "I love Sarah Palin on her social positions, like, marry her level, but oh my gosh, half of us here at this table would be more qualified to be VP." - from a 100% Republican voter. Also, everyone was mad at McCain for his role in the hated bail out. I think that the polls are going to continue their side in this kind of environment. The views I'm reflecting were those held by a crowd of 25ish, with only Republicans and a sprinkling of independents (I am one of those). This is insane. NO ONE would have talked like this about Bush 4 years ago at a lunch of these people.

...The change in this crowd's views in the last 3 weeks has been incredible as the Palin stuff has become to obvious to deny to oneself anymore.

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