Monday, April 16, 2007

Fits The Bill

And I'm with Bill Maher:

I’m going to say what I feel and what I feel is you made a really bad, dumb joke. And it was insulting. No one would want to take credit for that joke. It was wrong.

But after you say you’re sorry a few times, I think then it’s on other people if they can’t accept an apology. I think there’s so much in this country about making people go away. It’s a mistake, you apologize, and you shouldn’t lose your livelihood.

It’s like nobody in this country can have one moment of discomfort. If you’re made to feel uncomfortable, the person who caused it has to go away. It’s ridiculous.Yeah, it was a bad joke, it was really creepy. But after that, people should move on.

I talked to some of my black friends about this and, you know, they’re not tripping over this. It’s all this fake outrage in this country. I’m a fan of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. I like them. I’ve had them on my show many times.

But I have to disagree with what they’re doing here. They do deserve to get an apology. But if they just keep it going to make it a cottage industry…I mean, if this is the biggest issue they face, then civil rights (this part was obscured by music somewhat but it sounded like he ended with “has gone a lot further than I thought it had.”)

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