Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Just In Case You Wondered

From Political Wire:

A new survey of 1,112 international relations scholars by Foreign Policy magazine finds remarkable consistency of views on the Iraq war and its impact on the United States.

"Eighty-nine percent of scholars believe that the war will ultimately decrease U.S. security. Eighty-seven percent consider the conflict unjust, and 85 percent are pessimistic about the chances of achieving a stable democracy in Iraq in the next 10-15 years. Nearly all those who responded -- 96 percent -- view the United States as less respected today than in the past, a sentiment no doubt heavily influenced by the current war."

The scholars also rank the top foreign policy presidents in this order: Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan. Just eight of those surveyed put President Bush in the top group -- he ranks seventh from the bottom.

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