Friday, July 14, 2006

Going To The Next level

A friend noted the other week that my man Warner hasn't made a dent yet. 'Yet' is the word here. All the others will fall away, history has shown, for a popular Southern Democratic Governor.

This from Policial Wire:

Warner Ramps Up Activity

Former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner (D) has "ramped up his fundraising for congressional Democratic incumbents and challengers, signaling a national organizing strategy to position the centrist Southerner for a White House bid in 2008," reports The Hill."Since Warner began raising money after the 2005 November election," his political action committee "has raked in $8.2 million and contributed $860,500 to 108 candidates and political committees. He has hired several top Democratic political consultants, including longtime Democratic operative Monica Dixon, pollster Peter Hart and New Democrat political guru and speechwriter Kenneth Baer."

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