Monday, June 05, 2006

When The Rubber Hits The Road

... The Former First Lady Is Road Kill.

From Friday's Hardball (Norah O'Donnell sitting in for self loathing ex-democrat Chris Matthews):

O'DONNELL: Tom Curry, .... I understand you've been in Iowa recently as well. And so how are they feeling about Senator Hillary Clinton as the Democratic front-runner?

CURRY: You know, Norah, the strange thing that I found when I was in Iowa 10 days ago is that active Democrats, loyal Democrats, they are pessimistic about Hillary Clinton running for their party's nomination.

O'DONNELL: Really? Because they don't think she can win?

CURRY: Because they think she would be defeated in the general election and because they think she is too polarizing a figure.

I didn't ... I could not come across one active Democrat in my four or five days in Iowa who was enthusiastic about her running. But they,oddly enough, they do want her to go out to Iowa to help raise money for local candidates.

BTW, are Norah and Kelly O'Donnell related?

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