Wednesday, June 14, 2006

As For Our Side....

Andrew Sullivan (not that he's 'our side') contrasts Bill Maher's approach with Bob Shrum's.

Please remember that Shrum was the mastermind of those great, inspiring Democratic Presidential campaigns of Al Gore and (to a slightly lesser extent) John Kerry.

Go for the jugular as the Republicans always do with Democrats. Just keep saying, "The Republicans lost the war in Iraq." Scare the hell out of people about all the ways we are unsafe: from global warming to terrorists so easily being able to penetrate ports or nuclear and chemical plants.

The war in Iraq is over except for the dying. Campaign for a date to bring our forces home. Speak for Americans on big issues like gas prices, health care, the environment and alternative energy. Don't be afraid to say we're for the people, not the powerful. Be Democrats -- for a change.

GT12: We must kill Bob Shrum.

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