Friday, April 24, 2009


Andrew Sullivan puts a coule of pieces together and ...

If you've ever wondered who[The NRO's Ed Whelan] is - he appears regularly at the Corner defending torture and opposing abortion (the culture of life!) -

In the spring of 2003, [the post of Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, one of the 'Principals' who reviewed and approved our at that pint on-going torture policies] was held by M Edward Whelan III, an arch-Catholic who didn't just support torture but helped implement it. Whelan is the head of - wait for it - the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

Yes; the Ethics and Public Policy Center has a torturer as its president. You can't make this up.

The presence of devout Catholics authorizing the waterboarding of a human being 183 times in a row really does help put theoconservatism into a new perspective, doesn't it? Speaking of which, where are the Catholic bishops? They can manage to get into the news opposing a commencement speech by the president, but when incontrovertible evidence that the Bush administration tortured prisoners emerges, the silence from the top is deafening

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I work with Ed Whelan at the Ethics and Public Policy, and he has asked that I alert you to the fact that he has responded to Mr. Sullivan's claim here:

You can contact me at if you need further information. Thank you.