Monday, April 27, 2009

Obama Now Coordinating With Al-QaedaTo Strike America

Red State's Erick Erickson was highly thought of in the last White House:

Is Obama Rushing Another Attack?
It is all a gamble on this question: at what point will the nation stop entertaining the proposition that it is all George Bush's fault?

The best strategy would look something like taking a band-aid off quickly. Get the pain over fast. And if an attack happens quickly enough into the new administration, they can blame Bush.

So the Obama administration is working hard to release all the memos on interrogations, change all the policies Bush implemented, and clear out the old as fast as possible. Never mind that if it were done slowly over time, our terrorist enemies might not be so incited to attack.

If your working premise is that they are going to attack anyway, get them incited quickly, get it over with, and blame Bush. There is no other justification for so quickly making us less safe.

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