Friday, April 17, 2009

Fame Is Hard - And worth at least $75

We'll Let Wonkette do the honors:

By the end of the election last year there were millions of these YouTubes where a liberal or a communist (or a moderate!) would hang outside Sarah Palin rallies — public domain! — and just roll the tape for a few minutes while people spat out hilarious racist violent nonsense about ACORN and the Muslim race. But the original couple of videos that started this trend were Blogger Interrupted’s “Sarah Palin Parking Lot” classics, one of which was embedded in a Huffington Post article the other day for the purpose of comparing it to the Teabagger crowds. Then came this new comment on the video’s YouTube page:

“I have asked you three times to take this fukkin video down. Now it is plastered all over that libnut webiste Huffington Post. TAKE THIS FUKKIN VIDEO DOWN NOW. P.S. I hope you know that you can get sued, and thrown in jail for using this video without our permission.”

Comical negotiations have ensued. KEEP ON READING HERE TO FIND OUT THE PRICE OF FAME

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