Monday, April 27, 2009

Jesus Protect Us From Your Followers

The one-of-a-kind Katherine-Jean Lopez, lover of Bush and bondage but not Porn, is worried that the freedom to see dirty things on the interwebs is endangering our liberty.

Or something,

What is this woman talking about?

The question about the government is revealing. Pornographers can dismiss this, but corporations know there is harm done by porn, even if it’s just to productivity. According to one 2007 survey, 65 percent of corporations use porn-detecting software. Divorce lawyers, clergy, and therapists can tell you the damaging role it’s playing in the married and unmarried lives of American couples.

The question about government is also, of course, alarming — to anyone who cares about freedom and the future of the Internet. Furthermore, as it affects our children and our families, it is a cultural copout of a solution.

It is a fetid swamp there between her ears. or somewhere.
What She Finally Must Realize is summed up here (I think the singing puppets aim right for her demographic):

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