Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"They were killing me. I had to tell them something."

Terror begets terror which has probably begotten terror in Jane Mayer's exploration of the Bush War On Terror (really David Addington and Dick Cheney's war on non-presidential power).

The above quote was offered as explanantion by Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi. Chief of an al-Qaida training camp and the source of much of our 'justification' for invading Iraq, for his tales of WMD's-on-the-March.

We Leave you with the closing graph of Salon's review of Jane Mayer's 'The Dark Side'.

Consider this if you have no problems morally with torture...
A former MI5 security officer believes the United States is falling into the same trap as 1970s Great Britain: "They violated people's civil liberties, and it did nothing but radicalize the entire population." To see how that plays out over time, look no further than al-Qaida itself, which, as Lawrence Wright's "The Looming Tower" argues, was born not in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan but in Nasser's prisons. There, thanks to a steady diet of torture, Islamic extremists metastasized into Islamic terrorists. After reading "The Dark Side," one can only ask: What rough beast is slouching from Guantánamo, waiting to be born?

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