Monday, July 28, 2008

Well, I've Been Saying This For, Like, Ever

Kevin Drum confesses:
... I'm watching him in 2008, his desperation for the presidency driving him to conduct a campaign that's carefully but relentlessly testing ever more contemptible depths of squalor in its attacks on Barack Obama ("he made time to go to the gym but cancelled a visit with wounded troops" is just the latest), and I wonder how he's going to feel when it's all over. Not only will he lose the election, but he's going to wake up one morning and realize that he abandoned his dignity in the process. That's obviously something that's important to him, and even for someone who was never much of a fan, it's kind of sad to watch him give it up so readily.

GT12 has thought that McCain was a fool and a phoney since, well, 2000 at least. A man whose 'dignity and honor' was narccissistically defined by what he did, as opposed to defining what he did. A Smeagol turned Gollum without ever even handling the ring.

Hmm....I guess that makes him maybe more of a Sam-Gamgee-turned-Gollum - Even more pathetic

Geez, so pathetic I can find no allusions outside of Lord Of The Rings. That is wicked pathetic.

So, Welcome to the club everybody.

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