Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Just to keep GT12 records up to date:

Major Neo-con idiot, fascist tool and NY Times Columnist is always, and always stunningly, wrong (click here to review our data) said this yesterday in the (fading) Grey Lady:

It was widely assumed, though, that if either McCain or Romney won the nomination, the winner would bring [former mastermind of 2000's Straight Talk Express campaign Mike] Murphy on board for the general election. So far it hasn’t happened. I believe it soon will.

...the full plan, as I understand it, was — and is — to have [Karl Rove disciple Steve] Schmidt, a good operative and tactician, take over day-to-day operations at headquarters, while bringing Murphy on both to travel with McCain and as chief strategist.

... With Murphy in charge, McCain will have the campaign team he wants. Then all they’ll have to do is come from behind to win against a superior organization, more money, a gifted candidate and a Democratic-tilting electorate. Oh well: no challenge, no glory.

Politico reports this today:

Mike Murphy, a political consultant who helped Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) mastermind his 2000 campaign, will not be reboarding the Straight Talk Express. “I do not expect to join the campaign,” Murphy said. “They’re my friends, and I wish them well.”

And confirmed here in the very same NY Times that hosted Bill's fairy tale yesterday:

Count Murphy Out for McCain Campaign
By Adam Nagourney
Mike Murphy, the long-time associate and friend of John McCain who had been rumored to be joining the McCain campaign, said this morning he was not going to do it.

In an interview, Mr. Murphy said the raft of speculation was threatening Mr. McCain’s campaign and he wanted to put an end to it.
“I’m not expecting to join the campaign"

I live for the day that Bill predicts McCain's victory. Then I will be able to sleep at night.

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