Monday, January 07, 2008

Not Just A Hobgoblin

Consistency can also be the proof of a foolish mind.

Like consistently being fact-impaired.

That's our Kristol!

HuffPo reports:

Eight paragraphs into his new stint as a New York Times op-ed columnist, William Kristol, it turns out, has already made an embarrassing error.

His column, which suggests that the Democrats not underestimate Mike Huckabee's chances to win it all, includes this graf just past the midway point, quotes the "conservative writer Michelle Malkin" as saying, "For the work-hard-to-get-ahead strivers who represent the heart and soul of the G.O.P., there are obvious, powerful points of identification."

There's just one problem: She never said, as she was quick to point out herself on her site: "Since I never usually appear on the New York Times op-ed page unless someone's calling me a fascist, I was pleasantly surprised to see the quote. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), I didn't write what Kristol attributed to me. A different MM-Michael Medved-was the author."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So now that the NYT has basically proven that they're capable of the same level of mendacity and willful rethug cluelessness as faux news, do you suppose we've heard the last about its "liberal bias"?

...nah, didn't think so...