Friday, June 22, 2007

Yes, But He's Probably Rudy's Pro-Life Counselor

From the man who recommended the Mobbed Up Bernard Kerik, a fine representative via Andrew Sullivan
Why would Giuliani still employ a priest credibly accused by a Grand Jury of abusing boys, described as "cautious but relentless" in pursuing child victims in 2003, a man who was also integral to the conspiracy to protect child abusers from justice or accountability in the upper echeleons of the Catholic church? Because he was Giuliani's childhood friend, best man at his first wedding, baptized his son, smoothed the way for his divorce annulment, and buried his mother. In Giuliani's world, family is family. Loyalty is loyalty. And the children can go to hell. The full story is at Salon. Marc Ambinder provides all the crucial background you need to know. I don't think a defender of a credibly accused child-abuser should be the Republican nominee. That he would keep such a guy on his payroll is an extremely notable insight into Giuliani's character. Or what passes for it.

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