Friday, June 29, 2007

Uh Oh

I only lasted an hour (Studio 60 Finale started at 9:00 PM) but was able to see that only Bill Richardson was less inspiring than Barack Obama and that Mike Gravel embraced one of my fave third-rail topics, Ending The Drug War.

BO's only notable contribution was the adamant assertion that he only got tested for HIV because he and his wife went to Kenya (where I guess you can pick it up from toilet seats), subtly reassuring the Howard crowd that he's no gay-boy.

Hilary was by far the most Presidential.

GT12 is contemplating going to an all Goth Rock Format as we slowly slip into a suicidal depression.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not so bad. Just do what I do: seriously put emigration to Canada on the table as a viable option. And listen to some vaguely upbeat yet melancholic stuff like the Shins, or even the new Wilco, though the music they sold for the VW commercials actually bests the stuff on the actual album.