Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Clean Living! Not.

From the "Things We Didn't Need to Know" Department, TPM Muckraker brings us the following excerpt from a new book on disgraced, convicted and resigned GOP Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham:

"Even [defense contractor Brent] Wilkes drew a line on what he would do for
the congressman. For one thing, Wilkes was totally disgusted by the hot tub
Cunningham put on [his] boat's deck during the autumn and winter. What repelled
Wilkes -- and others invited to the parties -- was both the water Cunningham put
in the hot tub and the congressman's penchant for using it while naked, even if
everybody else at the party was clothed. Cunningham used water siphoned directly
from the polluted Potomac River and never changed it out during the season."

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