Friday, August 18, 2006

A Reading For The Weekend

Many of GT12's friends and fellow-travellers have debated what Calamity Jane's monologue from last Sunday's Deadwood might have been about....

It's beautiful writing and is worth reading and thinking about. So, have fun this weekend:
Jane (to Joanie):
"Can I tell you something? I had some stupid fucking thing, stupid fucking dream I had. I dreamed last night that I was clambering up a fucking creek bed, which is often required of a drunk. It was dark, and I couldn't tell where I was until I cleared the bank and come face to face with Charlie Utter's ugly mug. Now Charlie's, as usual, on the lookout for Bill, that's, as usual, to losing at poker inside the joint we're outside. 'Where are we, Charlie?' Aright, this could be any fucking place in the last number of years, and he said, 'Jane, don't you know, this is the Number 10 Saloon here in the camp where Bill's going to fuckin get killed soon?', Jesus Chri--'how do ya know Charlie,' I asked him, he said 'Don't you know, he says, at some point we know these fucking things, don't you know the world says its fucking name to us? What the fuck, what the fuck do I have to dream about this for,' I say to Charlie, 'wasn't I miserable enough?' 'Jane,' fucking Charlie says to me, 'don't you know this is the night when you couldn't look out for that little girl, when you was at Cochran's and Swearengen come in and scared you, and you went down to the creek to weep, that's where the fuck you're coming from and, and don't you know' he says, 'this is the night you spirit that child from Cochrans into where our stock was outside and we watched down on that little girl and sung to her and you, with the presence of mind to continue the round when I was too fucking stupid, and you said "row row row your boat" and I said "row row row your boat" and we had this. Now, Charlie says to me, don't you understand what I'm trying to tell you. Any evenings in your life you've made mistakes, remember were even evenings you was as most ashamed as you ever thought you could ever be or able to wind up, and don't fucking only remember only the middle of the fucking dream! If I wonder why I dreamed that dream, yesterday you sent Mose to find me and I was nearly dead drowned drunk, and Mose made me get up, and you and me walked them kids to school, and before I went to sleep, you kissed me." Posted by Picasa

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