Thursday, August 31, 2006

Beach Blogging

What would you call someone who fishes of a pier designed for swimming and boating while less hunter-gatherer types on the hot beach wait for the threat of flying fish hooks to disappear? What if these same rod-reelers are sitting in their own moored boat at the pier?

I think that thisbis why the term asshole was created. I am sure (especially since I am at this moment reading John Dean's 'Conservatives Without Conscience', that they are Republican Christian Fundamentalist Fascits.

Dean's book is quite a detailing of just what type of people are running our country and, worse, the self righteous deluded types that are voting for them. I'm not sure that even the havoc wrought so far by these fools is enough for the general population to be shamed into seeing what has become of the US.

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