Monday, April 10, 2006

A Short Hello, And Goodbye

As many of you know, this is the last week before 'Tax Day' and I am experiencing a great crunch at work. Battling this is the toll that the months since 1/1/06 take too. So, time is limited and I'm hoping to keep up a bit here but, it's going to be a little less timely.

We believe that we will find that May brings us refreshment and some new visions.

That being said. I do want to give a heartfelt thumbs up to 'The West Wing'. Yesterday's episode was pitch perfect, with all the exquisite sadness and triumph that has made the show so great. Truly, Brad Whitford is some one we should be thankful for.

And we've loved John Spencer since LA Law and were grateful every week to have him back in our lives when TWW began. Anyone who's ever lost a father knows what all the character's, especially Whitford's Josh Lyman, were feeling. All that Josh has achieved thanks to Leo unfolded in front of him even as Leo left the arena. Thanks Boss.

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