Thursday, April 13, 2006

Help For Our Old Age?

The whole marriage legitimacy would be nice, but I'll be happy just to have the money.

Here's a most likely doomed shot accross the bow. Reported in The Advocate:

Federal legislation would give gay couples equality in Social Security

Legislation introduced in the U.S House of Representatives last week would amend the Social Security Act to afford same-sex couples the same benefits, responsibilities, and obligations as others who pay into Social Security. The Equal Access to Social Security Act, H.R. 5152, would add the term "permanent partner" to the Social Security Act in addition to the terms "husband" and "wife," which are already present in the legal code.

"Same-sex couples are denied more than 1,000 federal benefits that other taxpayers are entitled to," said Democratic congressman Jerrold Nadler of New York, who authored the bill.

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