Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Less Rahm?

GT12 expressed it's support for Rahm Emanuel as #1 super-cool choice to be appointed Senator if Illinois needs a new one after November 4. And we asked 'If not Rahm, who?

Ambinder, among others, sees Rahm as a strong possibility for Chief Of Staff in an Obama admin (with a lot of 'ifs' attached to things like his willingness to be CoS)....
And, we are told that Jesse Jackson Jr really wants to replace Barry if the Big O moves further down Pennsylvania Ave.

And then There's Jan Schakowsky, from the neighbouring district and a bit of a rising star.

We still like Rahm but concede that the Senate may be a bit too genteel a position for him.

Jan's Fine.

Jesse? A good guy, but is it a shark jump to replace the First Black President with Jesse Jackson's son? Would it look like a particularly Illini way of Cronyism? If he gets the nod does that make BHO's slot appear to become permanently the Senate's 'Black Slot' (Carol Mosley Braun held the seat before losing to Peter Fitzgerald in '98).

Of course, the guy who will make this call, Dem Governor Rod Blagoevich may be in jail anyday now and who knows who he's listening to (though, it should be noted that Rahm is in Rod's old congressional seat...).

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