Friday, October 24, 2008

Christianists Having A Bad Season

Not A Year for Fools

Poll: Bachmann now trails Democratic challenger
Michelle Bachmann has had better weeks.
It was just last Friday that Bachmann, a Republican Congresswoman from Minnesota, went on MSNBC's "Hardball" and made some inflammatory comments that brought her to national attention, ...

Since then, Bachmann's Democratic challenger, Elwyn Tinklenberg, has raised at least $1 million, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee kicked in another $1 million worth of advertising. Meanwhile, the DCCC's Republican counterpart, the National Republican Congressional Committee, abandoned Bachmann, scrapping plans for an advertising buy in her district.

Now, a new poll just out from SurveyUSA seems to indicate that all this has badly hurt Bachmann's chances for re-election. Though George W. Bush captured 57 percent of the vote in her district in 2004, and though she was originally elected with 50 percent and should be expected to expand on that now that she's an incumbent, SurveyUSA says she's actually trailing Tinklenberg right now. Forty-seven percent of respondents said they'd vote for the Democrat if the election were held today...

Also jettisoned: Awful Colorado Homophobe Jesus Jumper Marilyn Musgrave

RNC Abandons Three House Districts
The NRCC has abandoned .... Marilyn Musgrave (CO-04, PVI R+9),

Under the motto: "You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't" The NRCC has a problem on its hands. The social conservatives have lashed out at the NRCC for dropping Musgrave and Bachmann ... The NRCC sees this as a triage operation: abandon hopeless causes irrespective of ideology to try to save more moderate Republicans who have a chance. nnnn

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