Sunday, August 24, 2008

GT12 Meets A Hilltard

So, yesterday GT12 took one of our regular trips to red county land (now represented by a Dem and not by Dennis Hastert). We were feeling very pleased after the O-B Springfield Smackdown and pumped to discuss this fine turn of events with our newly liberated friends to the west (40 miles west that is).

We were introduced to a new acquintance of our host, a woman a few months younger than us.

When, as they invariably do when GT12 is around, talk turned to politics, this new member of the circle began to express fears that Joe B's locquaciousness, and his anti-Obama barbs from earlier in the campaign, might be a problem. I offered that those problems can be plusses as Biden takes the battle to Johnny Mac.

But... Before long we found ourselves face to face with the crazy rage of a bonafide Hillary dead-ender, mouthing all of the most irrational whines from Hillaryland and Camp McCain....

"Obama's not for gay rights like Hillary is."

"Obama just wants to talk to people ... All Kumbayah and hearts and flowers" (this from a social worker who earlier had expressed her appreciation for Alzheimer Patients because they're so 'in the now' - helllooooo!)


I have read of women with these opinions (see Dahliia Lithwick's Slate article on 'Hillary Harridans) and seen a few fake Dem PUMA's on the TeeVee ...but to actually meet one .....

As I swiftly dismissed her rationa concernsl she upped her ante with the the loony and,forgive me, hysterical arguments of the type used by men as examples of why women are not ready to rule the world.

She finally settled on 'well you clearly have issues with women, especially your mother...'

I am rendered momentarily speechless by the absolute childish, victimized, and wildly ill-informed reactivity of this. It took me a minute to come to grips with the fact that such foolishness could come within three blocks of a gathering of people that I hangout with.

I could only say:
"That is the singularly most insane thing that anyone has ever said to me at a party"

One of my old bosses, a woman, was sitting next to me. She thought I was quite restrained to have not also mentioned that my Mom was dead.

It felt good.

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