Tuesday, May 20, 2008


From the WSJ:

Inside her campaign, Sen. Clinton isn't asking for advice, forcing advisers to hold off discussions on what she wants from the process if she loses -- from dealing with campaign debt, to her role in an Obama bid for the White House. "The campaign has broken down to those who drink the Kool-Aid that Hillary can still win, and those who don't, and are considering their options," one operative said.

Campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe says he has assured Sen. Clinton that she will have funds to compete through June 3, adding that he will worry about any campaign debt after that. "We're still getting tens of thousands of contributors online, who love Hillary's fight," Mr. McAuliffe said.

Sen. Clinton's campaign is racking up large debts, though. The campaign disclosed $12.6 million in debt at the end of March, not including a personal loan of $5 million from Sen. Clinton herself. One week ago, officials said the candidate had lent her campaign an additional $6.4 million and put total debt at $20 million.

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