Friday, December 07, 2007


Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom – Mitt Romney

Absolute Rubbish.

What Do God the Father, Allah, Shiva, The Holy Spirit and the Virgin Birth of Jesus all have in common with Santa, Harry Potter and Republican Logic?

They are all JUST MADE UP SHIT.

I am sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick and, finally, sick to fucking death of Religion.

I'm not going to complain here of the countless depravities committed in the name of Religion. I'll blame humans for that. And I'll attack it regularly elsewhere.

No, I just want to vent that I am tired of being told about the importance of believing in fairy tales.

Look, I understand that we all miss our imaginary friends from our child hood and that holding onto the ridiculous and unsupportable belief in god allows us to not have to grieve that loss completely but my tolerance has (illiberally?) expired.

I am now committed to telling believers that they have to wise-the-fuck-up and face the music (Led Zeppelin?). There is no god. At first it will hurt to accept this. It will lead to a period of adjustment while you realize that your morality, honor, reason for living etc. are all the result of the love and guidance of your family and friends. It will be weird to realize that all those nice feelings you experience in church are just simply your unfettered unifying with your neighbors and not the result of a magic man in the skies pouring down warm fuzzies to you (see Emile Durkheim).

Soon you will discover the relief that comes from not worrying that some work of Literature or Science will NOT endanger you kids morals. You will no longer waste time arguing about how many angels fit on the head of the pin. The word Darwin will no longer immediately and Pavlovianly bring up jabs of fear and threat. Christmas will be even more fun because you won't ever have to sing Silent Night again. You'll get to watch all the Sunday morning pundits without guilt.

So, just stop the madness, stop the denial, stop being just plain stoooooooopid.

Happy Fucking Holidays.

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