Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Andrew is collecting brilliant predictions from the last twelve or so months:

"When he is forced to fight, Sen. Obama's inexperience shows. His record, slight as it is, is tough to defend. He's got a glass jaw, and he will fall into the trap of identity politics. In fact, he already has. The "could we beat Obama?" conversation is purely academic. It's over. The Clintons have defeated him already, because he is leaving South Carolina as "the black candidate." He won't win another state. Even worse, in November Hillary will carry 90 percent of the black vote, despite their cynical, race-based campaign against the first viable black presidential candidate," - Michael Graham, January 26, 2008, revealing why NRO had such a good year.

"Barack Obama is on his way to a McGovern candidacy," - Victor Davis Hanson, National Review, March 29, 2008.

I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values. The right knows Obama is unelectable except against Attila the Hun," - Mark Penn, March 19, 2007.

And, GT12's favorite:

I think his 15 minutes as a serious contender for the presidency are about up.
- Kathryn-Jean Lopez, National Review Online chief idiot and Sarah Palin supporter, on Barack Obama, November 4, 2007.

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