Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Come On Up For The Rising

4.5 hours after going to bed, Iam up again, getting ready for an all-day Tax Seminar. So this is going to have to do as my election reflection until tomorrow...

How great is this?! How great is this country?!

Pretty damn great, that's what.

The rally, btw, was run as well as anything I've evr seen in Chicago. Getting to and from the site was easier than going to Taste of Chicago.

Friends, visit Andrew Sullivan today. You'll get the take of a man as happy as you all are (or as happy as I am)

Some notes:
- The last Republican Representative to the house from New England lost his seat last night. When I was growing up 'New England' was what we thought of when we thought of 'Republican'.

- Christianist Marylin Musgrave defeated in CO.

- Al Franken still not a Senator (yet) but his opponent hasn't won (yet)

- IN, where GT12 spent last weekend goes blue.

- BHO first Dem since LBJ to win Presidency with a majority of all votes cast

- The 60's are finally dead

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