Friday, April 18, 2008

Drip Drip

Two More!

Ambinder reports:

Two major stars of the Democratic foreign policy establishment -- former Sens. Sam Nunn and David Boren, have just endorsed Barack Obama and have agreed to serve on his national security team. Nunn served as the Democratic Party's coverman in foreign policy debates for two decades. He voted against the 1991 Gulf War and thereby gave many other Democrats permission to take that political risk. He's a social conservative in many respects, too. More recently, Nunn has associated himself with the cause of nuclear nonproliferation. He spent 8 years as chairman of the Armed Services committee in the Senate. Boren left the Senate in 1994 and is a former chairman of what used to be called the Senate Select Committee on intelligence. He also spent 16 years as governor of Oklahoma.

Just asking: who was the latest major figure to endorse Hillary Clinton?

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