Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So You Can Keep Track

The One Who wins will be the one who has the money to run basically a national campaign between New Hampshire and Feb 5.

If John Edwards were to win Iowa he still won't have the resources to beat HRC on the Super Tuesday that is Feb 5. And he's not going to win Iowa.

John, I've always been a fan but call it a day after New Hampshire.

On the Republican front the question is similar: Can Rudy actually recover from the fabulously wealthy Romney's IA and NH victories. Especially if Huckabee gets enough IA bump to gain Power Cred from the Southern Fundies to undercut Rudy's comfrotable Southern-style totalitarianism in SC....

And They're Off

With the date of the New Hampshire presidential primary set at last, the primary calendar is finally in order. The first votes will be cast 38 days from today in Iowa. The course ahead over the next three months:

Thursday, January 3: Iowa
Saturday, January 5: Wyoming Republicans
Tuesday, January 8: New Hampshire
Tuesday, January 15: Michigan
Saturday, January 19: Nevada; South Carolina Republicans
Tuesday, January 29: Florida; South Carolina Democrats
Saturday, February 2: Maine Republicans

The contest then moves on to the Tuesday, February 5, "national primary": Alabama; Alaska; Arizona; Arkansas; California; Colorado; Connecticut; Delaware; Georgia; Idaho Democrats; Illinois; Minnesota; Missouri; New Jersey; New Mexico Democrats; New York; North Dakota; Oklahoma; Tennessee; Utah; and West Virginia Republicans. Then...

Saturday, February 9: Louisiana; Nebraska Democrats; Washington State
Sunday, February 10: Maine Democrats
Tuesday, February 12: District of Columbia; Maryland; Virginia
Tuesday, February 19: Hawaii Democrats; Wisconsin

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