Friday, November 02, 2007

Call His Bluff

We Must Not Torture. Ever. Now is the time for those spineless bastards in Washington to stand up for American Values

From Raw Story:

Bush: Mukasey for Attorney General or none at all

President Bush, fueling the effort to confirm the 66-year-old retired judge Michael B. Mukasey, emphasizes the need for the service of an Attorney General, particularly, he says, while the nation is at war.

Reports the New York Times, the President aired his grievances to a small group of reporters over Mukasey's treatment by the Senate Judiciary Committee during his confirmation hearings. Recently, Mukasey stood up for the equal treatment of gay and lesbian Department of Justice employees, but at the same time, has been heavily criticized for his refusal to provide a clear answer on whether or not the interrogation technique known as "waterboarding" is considered torture.

While President Bush denounced the grilling of Mukasey over a practice he says Mukasey hasn't been briefed on, Bush declined just the same to discuss "waterboarding," assuring his invitees that interrogation techniques are "within the law," performed by "highly trained professionals."

"That's what's important for America to know," he adds.

In a speech to the Heritage Foundation, Bush worked to imply that not confirming Mukasey would result in no Attorney General "during this time of war," guaranteed.

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