Monday, July 09, 2007


Bill Kristol let's us know what really at stake in Iraq. And of course it ain't the honor of our soldiers sacrifice. Bill Kristol is just a piece of shit. I understand why people support the death penalty when I think of Bill Kristol. Unlike him and his ilk, I understand that 'feeling' does not trump law and order. National or international.
Why on earth pull the plug now? Why give in to an insane, irrational panic that will destroy the Bush administration and most likely sweep the Republican party to ruin?


Anonymous said...

Sheesh man, you're taking this $#!+ seriously? He's either just cashed his bowl or is just another troll like T.C.W.S.N.B.N., trying to see how much attention he can get by saying the most outrageous stuff possible.

Jeff said...

Oh, alright. Sometimes the whole world seems like 7th grade at St Rose Parochial School. Just one authoritarian lie after another.

Sullivan would point out my 'Parataxic distortion'.

Am taking a deep breath.