Thursday, November 23, 2006


that's my count. How'd You Do?

The All-TIME 100 Albums


Anonymous said...

who gives a rat's ass what any moron at Time thinks? we expect more from GT12!
What about this from from yesterday's Times: "I have in my hands a list titled “The 100 Worst Albums of the 20th Century.” It was published in Motorbooty magazine, Spring 1999. No. 1 on the list: “Pet Sounds,” by the Beach Boys."
Ain't that more like it, Daddy-o?

Jeff said...

Yeah I read that too. I thought to myself "There's a list that has some worth".

Gawd I doo hate the Beach Boys.

I remember the horrible day that I borrowed Pets Sounds. Unlistenable cretineous excess passinf for teen art. A metaphor for why we don't let teenagers drink legally.

Even 'God Only Knows' is only half listenable.