Sunday, March 19, 2006

Trendy As Always

Religion's biggest enemies are the ones in power. Nothing can take the magic out of a faith like spiritual tyranny. This from In The Agora

Atheism is the fastest growing religious identity in America
By Joshua Claybourn

The San Antonio Express-News reports the following:

A study done by the Graduate Center of the City University of New York found that the percentage of the population that describes itself as "nonreligious" more than doubled from 1990 to 2001, from 14.3 million to 29.4 million people. The only other group to show growth was Muslims. . .

A study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that 16 percent of Americans (about 35 million) consider themselves "unaffiliated" -- a category that includes "unaffiliated believers," "secularists" and atheists/agnostics.

The latter terms -- atheists and agnostics -- are lumped together, says Green, because they share so many similarities. But there is a subtle difference: Atheists forthrightly affirm that there is no God; agnostics simply say as humans we can never know. Together, they constitute about 3 percent of the American population.

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