Friday, March 10, 2006

One Reason Why Illinois Is The Greatest State

For a Republican To Stand A Chance of Winning The Governor's Office, She Must Be Pro-Gay.

I assert that Republican Judy Baar Topinka is this state's most popular politician and, speaking as a Democrat who won't vote for her, most likely our next Governor. Our previous governor, also a Republican (always described as 'conservative'), won the Gay Vote over the Democratic candidate, banned executions and actually was pretty great on most social issues. Being a Republican, he is of course on trial right now for a breathtaking array of corruption charges. But he was THE BEST DAMN LIBERAL GOVERNOR THAT I'VE EVER LIVED UNDER.

Anyway, Judy's got the Christianists all aflutter and you should read about it here. "Judy Baar Topinka: Pro-Homosexual Activist."

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