Thursday, March 23, 2006

Our God Is A Vengeful God...

I'm just going to post Andrew Sullivan's presentation of this study. I love much about Andrew and it is painful to watch him try to understand the inexplicable. But, when he is betrayed (which is almost always) he can do a nice job of cutting to the core of the betrayal. I have little none of his naivete' and so simply find myself saying: 'duh!'

From Andrew Sullivan

Americans And Torture
22 Mar 2006 03:34 pm
According to this Pew poll, Americans favor torturing detainees in some circumstances by a wide margin. There's a reason John Kerry didn't bring it up in the debates. And there's a reason Cheney and Rumsfeld know they can continue the practice: they have widespread public support. Most disturbing to me are the high numbers of self-decribed Christians favoring torture: only 26 percent of Catholics oppose it in all circumstances, while only 31 percent of white Protestants rule it out entirely. If you combine those Christians who think torture is either never or only rarely acceptable, you have 42 percent of Catholics and 49 percent of white Protestants. The comparable statistic of those who are decribed as "secular," which I presume means agnostic or atheist, is 57 percent opposition. In other words, if you are an American Christian, you are more likely to support torture than if you are an atheist or agnostic. Christians for torture: it's a new constituency. Another part of the Bush legacy.

I have always felt that the number Christians who understand Christ is even smaller than the number of Americans who understand the fourth amendment. Clearly, I am on to something.

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